Your name in chinese Micaela Hall
How is Micaela Hall written in chinese?
Micaela Hall in simplified chinese:
Micaela Hall in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Micaela Hall in chinese?
Micaela Hall transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Micaela Hall in chinese:
Picture of the name Micaela Hall in chinese:

Meaning of Micaela Hall characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
米 | hulled or husked uncooked rice |
凯 | triumphant; triumph, victory |
拉 | pull, drag; seize, hold; lengthen |
大 | big, great, vast, large, high |
厅 | hall, central room |
Example sentences that contain Micaela Hall in chinese:
Micaela Hall wants to go to USA
Micaela Hall is studying french
Micaela Hall now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Micaela Hall in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Maria Patricia | 玛丽亚·帕特里夏 |
Hyder | 海德 |
Gisel Andrea | 吉塞尔安德烈亚 |
Annaleya | 安娜莱娅 |
Malon | 马龙 |
Kuyuhe | 苦雨河 |
Azril | 阿兹里尔 |
Michioflavia | 根黄菌属 |
Lisbett | 利斯贝特 |
Rupert Eagers | 鲁珀特渴望 |