Your name in chinese Mike Alfaro
How is Mike Alfaro written in chinese?
Mike Alfaro in simplified chinese:
Mike Alfaro in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Mike Alfaro in chinese?
Mike Alfaro transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Mike Alfaro in chinese:
Picture of the name Mike Alfaro in chinese:

Meaning of Mike Alfaro characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
迈 | take a big stride; pass by |
克 | gram; overcome; transliteration |
· | Meaning not available |
阿 | exclamation due to surprise |
尔 | you; that, those; final particle |
法 | law, rule, regulation, statute; France, French |
罗 | net for catching birds; gauze |
Example sentences that contain Mike Alfaro in chinese:
Mike Alfaro's favorite color is green
Mike Alfaro wants to go to United Kingdom
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Valentina | 瓦伦蒂娜 |
Aminh | 阿明 |
Georgiano Eduardo | 乔治亚诺·爱德华多 |
Khadidja | 卡迪嘉 |
Gina | 吉娜 |
Karissa | 卡丽莎 |
Milow | 米洛 |
Geatan | 吉坦 |
Najim | 纳吉姆 |
Delya | 德莉亚 |