Your name in chinese Milagrosa

How is Milagrosa written in chinese?

Milagrosa in simplified chinese:


Milagrosa in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Milagrosa in chinese?

Milagrosa transcribed to pinyin:

shén qí

Pronunciation of Milagrosa in chinese:

Picture of the name Milagrosa in chinese:

The name Milagrosa in chinese characters

Meaning of Milagrosa characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
spirit, god, supernatural being
strange, unusual, uncanny, occult

Example sentences that contain Milagrosa in chinese:

Milagrosa's favorite fruit is the pineapple


shénqí zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì bōluó

Milagrosa's favorite color is pink


shénqí zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì fěnsè

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
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Hajatou 哈亚图
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Louis 路易斯
Antonio Ramon 安东尼奥·拉蒙
Nagihan 渚半
Tutin 图廷
Rafael Manuel 拉斐尔·曼努埃尔
Harin 哈林

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