Your name in chinese Milenka

How is Milenka written in chinese?

Milenka in simplified chinese:


Milenka in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Milenka in chinese?

Milenka transcribed to pinyin:

mǐ lián qiǎ

Pronunciation of Milenka in chinese:

Picture of the name Milenka in chinese:

The name Milenka in chinese characters

Meaning of Milenka characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
hulled or husked uncooked rice
join, connect; continuous; even
card, punch card; calorie

Example sentences that contain Milenka in chinese:

Milenka has given eight dogs a Sonu


mǐliánqiǎ gěi suǒnǔ sòngle bā zhī gǒu

Milenka is studying french


mǐliánqiǎ zhèngzài xuéxí fǎwén

Milenka now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Milenka in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Angelica Maria 当归玛丽亚
Ayomide 艾米德
Bayley 贝利
Shir 希尔
Mialy 米莉
Tan Kai Tee 陈启三
Ruben Dario 鲁本·达里奥
Nigger 黑鬼
Houcine 侯欣
Isra 伊斯拉

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