Your name in chinese Milieu
How is Milieu written in chinese?
Milieu in simplified chinese:
Milieu in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Milieu in chinese?
Milieu transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Milieu in chinese:
Picture of the name Milieu in chinese:

Meaning of Milieu characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
环 | jade ring or bracelet; ring |
境 | boundary, frontier; area, region |
Example sentences that contain Milieu in chinese:
Milieu is studying japanese
Milieu has given eight dogs a Miller
Milieu now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Milieu in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Gersende | 格森德 |
Jeza Mae | 杰扎梅 |
Saige Kedar | 赛格·克达尔 |
Bayram | 拜拉姆 |
Um E Habiba | 乌姆·哈比巴 |
Najate | 纳杰特 |
Andree Deborah | 安德烈·黛博拉 |
Fanny Alessandra | 范妮·亚历山德拉 |
Emmah | 艾玛 |
Gato | 加图 |