Your name in chinese Momey
How is Momey written in chinese?
Momey in simplified chinese:
Momey in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Momey in chinese?
Momey transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Momey in chinese:
Picture of the name Momey in chinese:

Meaning of Momey characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
妈 | mother, mama |
妈 | mother, mama |
Example sentences that contain Momey in chinese:
Momey's favorite color is white
Momey is studying russian
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Billy | 比利 |
Surya | 苏里亚 |
Meii | 美井 |
Natsumura | 夏村 |
Sofia | 苏菲亚 |
Sooraya | 索拉亚 |
Renato | 雷纳托 |
Tygoone | 泰古恩 |
Ron | 罗恩 |
Gorski | 戈尔斯基 |