Your name in chinese Momey

How is Momey written in chinese?

Momey in simplified chinese:


Momey in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Momey in chinese?

Momey transcribed to pinyin:

mā mā

Pronunciation of Momey in chinese:

Picture of the name Momey in chinese:

The name Momey in chinese characters

Meaning of Momey characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
mother, mama
mother, mama

Example sentences that contain Momey in chinese:

Momey has given ten cats a Sue Gin


māmā gěi sūjīn sòngle shí zhī māo

Momey wants to go to Japan


māmā xiǎng qù rìběn

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Yassin 亚辛
Riene 里内
Yaidny 亚德尼
Lesslie 莱斯利
Lucy Singleton 露西·辛格尔顿
Flaura 弗劳拉
Lozano 洛萨诺
Dove 鸽子
Javed 贾维德
Fredrich 弗雷德里希

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