Your name in chinese Monia

How is Monia written in chinese?

Monia in simplified chinese:


Monia in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Monia in chinese?

Monia transcribed to pinyin:

mò nī yà

Pronunciation of Monia in chinese:

Picture of the name Monia in chinese:

The name Monia in chinese characters

Meaning of Monia characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
do not, is not, can not; negative
maid, servant girl; cute girl
Asia; second

Example sentences that contain Monia in chinese:

Monia has given eight bikes a Abrim


mònīyà gěi ābùlǐmǔ sòngle bā liàng zìxíngchē

Monia wants to go to Chile


mònīyà xiǎng qù zhìlì

Monia now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Monia in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Saba 萨巴
Pamoda 帕莫达
Sabra 萨布拉
Ana Patricia 安娜·帕特里夏
Kyrie 凯里
Kilbyn 基尔宾
Lutfi 卢特菲
Tata 塔塔
Fachri 法赫里
Mariku 丸久

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