Your name in chinese Monsieur Chat

How is Monsieur Chat written in chinese?

Monsieur Chat in simplified chinese:


Monsieur Chat in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Monsieur Chat in chinese?

Monsieur Chat transcribed to pinyin:

xiān shēng liáo tiān

Pronunciation of Monsieur Chat in chinese:

Picture of the name Monsieur Chat in chinese:

The name Monsieur Chat in chinese characters

Meaning of Monsieur Chat characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
first, former, previous
life, living, lifetime; birth
somewhat, slightly, at least
sky, heaven; god, celestial

Example sentences that contain Monsieur Chat in chinese:

Monsieur Chat wants to go to Argentina


xiānshēngliáotiān xiǎng qù āgēntíng

Monsieur Chat's friend has four cars


xiānshēngliáotiān de péngyǒu yǒu sì liàng chē

Monsieur Chat now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Monsieur Chat in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Woytek 沃伊泰克
Tuomas 托马斯
Hedgehog 刺猬
Anthony Cullors 安东尼·库勒斯
Jomark 约马克
Shannia 仙妮亚
Carlie 卡莉
Kendrick 肯德里克
Jhair 杰海尔
Bailee 百利

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