Your name in chinese Mordechai

How is Mordechai written in chinese?

Mordechai in simplified chinese:


Mordechai in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Mordechai in chinese?

Mordechai transcribed to pinyin:

mò dí kǎi

Pronunciation of Mordechai in chinese:

Picture of the name Mordechai in chinese:

The name Mordechai in chinese characters

Meaning of Mordechai characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
do not, is not, can not; negative
enlighten, advance; progress
triumphant; triumph, victory

Example sentences that contain Mordechai in chinese:

Mordechai's favorite color is white


mòdíkǎi zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì báisè

Mordechai and Rostislav are very good friends


mòdíkǎi hé luósīdìsīlāfū shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Mordechai now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Alyza 阿里萨
Divina 神圣的
Eddy Daniel 艾迪丹尼尔
Rose Jane 玫瑰简
Octavie 奥克塔维
Joelle 乔尔
Quincy 昆西
Alberto 阿尔贝托
Eirill 埃里尔
Dailina 戴丽娜

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