Your name in chinese Mrs Pettigrew
How is Mrs Pettigrew written in chinese?
Mrs Pettigrew in simplified chinese:
Mrs Pettigrew in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Mrs Pettigrew in chinese?
Mrs Pettigrew transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Mrs Pettigrew in chinese:
Picture of the name Mrs Pettigrew in chinese:

Meaning of Mrs Pettigrew characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
小 | small, tiny, insignificant |
矮 | short, dwarf; low |
星 | a star, planet; any point of light |
夫 | man, male adult, husband; those |
人 | man; people; mankind; someone else |
Example sentences that contain Mrs Pettigrew in chinese:
Mrs Pettigrew is studying japanese
Mrs Pettigrew has given eight houses a Ark
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Maria Lucia | 玛丽亚露西亚 |
Tabarek | 塔巴雷克 |
Paw Patrol | 爪子巡逻队 |
Gabryel | 加布里埃尔 |
Triana | 特里亚纳 |
Amori | 阿森 |
Konner | 康纳 |
Elden | 埃尔登 |
Lisel | 利塞尔 |
Ky | 凯 |