Your name in chinese Muzunzu

How is Muzunzu written in chinese?

Muzunzu in simplified chinese:


Muzunzu in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Muzunzu in chinese?

Muzunzu transcribed to pinyin:

mù zūn zǔ

Pronunciation of Muzunzu in chinese:

Picture of the name Muzunzu in chinese:

The name Muzunzu in chinese characters

Meaning of Muzunzu characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
majestic, solemn, reverent; calm
respect, revere, venerate; honor
ancestor, forefather; grandfather

Example sentences that contain Muzunzu in chinese:

Muzunzu has given four houses a Josephe


mùzūnzǔ gěi yuēsèfū sòngle sì jiān fángzi

Muzunzu and Josephe are very good friends


mùzūnzǔ hé yuēsèfū shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Muzunzu now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Pravya 普拉维亚
Zoeh 佐伊
Trudeau 特鲁多
Yoshiro 义郎
Churlet 丘莱特
Nadeen 纳丁
Alexsuky 阿列克苏基
Merveille 梅尔维尔
Tennessee 田纳西州
Lisa Moore 丽莎摩尔

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