Your name in chinese Myki

How is Myki written in chinese?

Myki in simplified chinese:


Myki in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Myki in chinese?

Myki transcribed to pinyin:

sān mù

Pronunciation of Myki in chinese:

Picture of the name Myki in chinese:

The name Myki in chinese characters

Meaning of Myki characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
tree; wood, lumber; wooden

Example sentences that contain Myki in chinese:

Myki wants to go to France


sānmù xiǎng qù fàguó

Myki has given eight books a Auria


sānmù gěi àolǐyà sòngle bā běn shū

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Danna Orta 丹娜奥尔塔
Jeremiah 耶利米
Odeth 奥德斯
Kristin 克里斯汀
Noela 诺埃拉
Mery 梅里
Laure 劳尔
Giandra 詹德拉
Emna 艾姆娜
Jones 琼斯

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