Your name in chinese Nahikari

How is Nahikari written in chinese?

Nahikari in simplified chinese:


Nahikari in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Nahikari in chinese?

Nahikari transcribed to pinyin:

nà yǐ qiǎ lǐ

Pronunciation of Nahikari in chinese:

Picture of the name Nahikari in chinese:

The name Nahikari in chinese characters

Meaning of Nahikari characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
that, that one, those
by means of; thereby, therefore; consider as; in order to
card, punch card; calorie
plum; judge; surname

Example sentences that contain Nahikari in chinese:

Nahikari has given six houses a Iosua


nàyǐqiǎlǐ gěi yuēsūā sòngle liù jiān fángzi

Nahikari wants to go to Mexico


nàyǐqiǎlǐ xiǎng qù mòxīgē

Nahikari now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Nahikari in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Grootvader 古鲁特维德
Maria Celia 玛丽亚·塞莉亚
Joerl 乔尔
Sandro 桑德罗
Laszlo 拉斯洛
Ashwin 阿什温
Faouzi 法乌兹
Winnie 小熊维尼
Mokrian 莫克里安
Sude 苏德

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