Your name in chinese Names
How is Names written in chinese?
Names in simplified chinese:
Names in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Names in chinese?
Names transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Names in chinese:
Picture of the name Names in chinese:

Meaning of Names characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
名 | name, rank, title, position |
称 | call; name, brand; address; say |
Example sentences that contain Names in chinese:
Names's favorite fruit is the strawberry
Names and Mariam are very good friends
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Mela | 梅拉 |
Mihai | 米海 |
Zilver | 西尔弗 |
Khaleil | 哈雷尔 |
Dug | 挖 |
Altynbek | 阿尔金贝克 |
Anisha | 阿尼莎 |
Janik | 贾尼克 |
Viviana | 维维亚娜 |
Manzanita | 曼萨尼塔 |