Your name in chinese Nando

How is Nando written in chinese?

Nando in simplified chinese:


Nando in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Nando in chinese?

Nando transcribed to pinyin:

nán duō

Pronunciation of Nando in chinese:

Picture of the name Nando in chinese:

The name Nando in chinese characters

Meaning of Nando characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
south; southern part; southward
much, many; more than, over

Example sentences that contain Nando in chinese:

Nando wants to go to Japan


nánduō xiǎng qù rìběn

Nando has given four cats a Yoss


nánduō gěi yuēsī sòngle sì zhī māo

Nando now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Nando in japanese!

Japanese flag icon Go to see Nando in japanese
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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Gutier 古铁
Rances 兰斯
Faysal 费萨尔
Jaylann 杰伦
Gihane 吉哈内
Caio 蔡欧
Hoer 霍尔
Preet 普雷特
Binta 宾塔
Yaelle 耶尔

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