Your name in chinese Narcisa

How is Narcisa written in chinese?

Narcisa in simplified chinese:


Narcisa in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Narcisa in chinese?

Narcisa transcribed to pinyin:

nà ér zī sā

Pronunciation of Narcisa in chinese:

Picture of the name Narcisa in chinese:

The name Narcisa in chinese characters

Meaning of Narcisa characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
that, that one, those
son, child; KangXi radical 10
property; wealth; capital
release, cast away, let go; disperse; relax

Example sentences that contain Narcisa in chinese:

Narcisa and Jamie Seals are very good friends


nàérzīsā hé jiémǐhǎibào shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Narcisa is studying russian


nàérzīsā zhèngzài xuéxí èyǔ

Narcisa now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Narcisa in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Ninel 尼内尔
Farid 法里德
Duchess 公爵夫人
Carmia 卡米亚
Kewei 科威
Caline 卡琳
Orkom 奥尔康
Magalie 玛嘉丽
Marce 马塞

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