Your name in chinese Nathalia

How is Nathalia written in chinese?

Nathalia in simplified chinese:


Nathalia in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Nathalia in chinese?

Nathalia transcribed to pinyin:

nà tǎ lì yà

Pronunciation of Nathalia in chinese:

Picture of the name Nathalia in chinese:

The name Nathalia in chinese characters

Meaning of Nathalia characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
admit, take, receive, accept
tower, spire, tall building
white jasmine
Asia; second

Example sentences that contain Nathalia in chinese:

Nathalia has given ten cars a Lemon


nàtǎlìyà gěi níngméng sòngle shí liàng chē

Nathalia and Lemon are very good friends


nàtǎlìyà hé níngméng shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Nathalia now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Earl 伯爵
Reyansh 雷扬什
Agualeguas 阿瓜莱瓜斯
Aira 爱良
Camellia 茶花
Kristelle 克里斯特尔
Force 力量
Syra 锡拉
Shyla 希拉
Salome 莎乐美

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