Your name in chinese Nayhali

How is Nayhali written in chinese?

Nayhali in simplified chinese:


Nayhali in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Nayhali in chinese?

Nayhali transcribed to pinyin:

nài hā lì

Pronunciation of Nayhali in chinese:

Picture of the name Nayhali in chinese:

The name Nayhali in chinese characters

Meaning of Nayhali characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
but, how; bear, stand, endure
sound of laughter
gains, advantage, profit, merit

Example sentences that contain Nayhali in chinese:

Nayhali has given three televisions a Artyom


nàihālì gěi āěrqiáomǔ sòngle sān tái diànshì

Nayhali's friend has three televisions


nàihālì de péngyǒu yǒu sān tái diànshì

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
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Imad 伊玛德
Anzor 安佐
Chun Xu 春旭
Saga 佐贺
Vira 维拉
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Jean Christian 让·克里斯蒂安

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