Your name in chinese Nelsy

How is Nelsy written in chinese?

Nelsy in simplified chinese:


Nelsy in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Nelsy in chinese?

Nelsy transcribed to pinyin:

ní ěr xī

Pronunciation of Nelsy in chinese:

Picture of the name Nelsy in chinese:

The name Nelsy in chinese characters

Meaning of Nelsy characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
Buddhist nun; transliteration
you; that, those; final particle
西 west(ern); westward, occident

Example sentences that contain Nelsy in chinese:

Nelsy and Delilah are very good friends


níěrxī hé délìlā shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Nelsy's favorite color is yellow


níěrxī zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì huángsè

Nelsy now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
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Pedro Andres 佩德罗·安德烈斯
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Steicy 斯泰西
Laina 莱娜
Ethan Shindruk 伊桑·辛德鲁克
Enjelette 恩杰莱特
Muhammad Abdullah 穆罕默德·阿卜杜拉
Clementina 克莱门汀

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