Your name in chinese Ningguang

How is Ningguang written in chinese?

Ningguang in simplified chinese:


Ningguang in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Ningguang in chinese?

Ningguang transcribed to pinyin:

níng guāng

Pronunciation of Ningguang in chinese:

Picture of the name Ningguang in chinese:

The name Ningguang in chinese characters

Meaning of Ningguang characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
calm, peaceful, serene; healthy
light, brilliant, shine; only

Example sentences that contain Ningguang in chinese:

Ningguang wants to go to Chile


níngguāng xiǎng qù zhìlì

Ningguang's friend has eight books


níngguāng de péngyǒu yǒu bā běn shū

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
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Diyan 地燕
Luis David 路易斯·戴维
Tyrese Collins 泰瑞斯·柯林斯
Rouxin 柔心
Cobey 科比
Fate 命运
Maelyn 梅林
Adah 阿达

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