Your name in chinese Nomoto
How is Nomoto written in chinese?
Nomoto in simplified chinese:
Nomoto in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Nomoto in chinese?
Nomoto transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Nomoto in chinese:
Picture of the name Nomoto in chinese:

Meaning of Nomoto characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
野 | open country, field; wilderness |
本 | root, origin, source; basis |
Example sentences that contain Nomoto in chinese:
Nomoto and Mano are very good friends
Nomoto has given five cars a Mano
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Maria Amor | 玛丽亚·阿木哦乐 |
Maple | 枫 |
Suzanna | 苏珊娜 |
Barbera | 巴贝拉 |
Iury | 尤里 |
Limas | 利马斯 |
Nayenga | 纳延加 |
Jantine | 扬廷 |
Leilani | 莱拉尼 |
Luda | 旅大 |