Your name in chinese Not

How is Not written in chinese?

Not in simplified chinese:


Not in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Not in chinese?

Not transcribed to pinyin:

wǒ dē míng zì bú shì

Pronunciation of Not in chinese:

Picture of the name Not in chinese:

The name Not in chinese characters

Meaning of Not characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
our, us, i, me, my, we
possessive, adjectival suffix
name, rank, title, position
letter, character, word
no, not; un-; negative prefix
indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that

Example sentences that contain Not in chinese:

Not is studying italian


wǒdēmíngzìbúshì zhèngzài xuéxí yìdàlìwén

Not's friend has ten televisions


wǒdēmíngzìbúshì de péngyǒu yǒu shí tái diànshì

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Coby 科比
Yamir 亚米尔
Gislle 吉斯勒
Marya 玛丽亚
Marbella 马贝拉
Marvyn 马文
Mappy 马皮
Clyhde 克莱德
Bo Qing 薄青
Anzor 安佐

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