Your name in chinese Novie
How is Novie written in chinese?
Novie in simplified chinese:
Novie in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Novie in chinese?
Novie transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Novie in chinese:
Picture of the name Novie in chinese:

Meaning of Novie characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
新 | new, recent, fresh, modern |
人 | man; people; mankind; someone else |
Example sentences that contain Novie in chinese:
Novie has given two televisions a Redha
Novie and Redha are very good friends
Novie now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Novie in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Gabriel Angel | 加百利天使 |
Navila | 纳维拉 |
Tyrice | 泰瑞斯 |
Fidian | 菲甸 |
Brithany | 布列塔尼 |
Maverik | 特立独行 |
Draken | 德拉肯 |
Toy Ranger | 玩具游侠 |
Gi Far | 吉法尔 |
Collin Rivers | 科林·里弗斯 |