Your name in chinese Nuo Nuo
How is Nuo Nuo written in chinese?
Nuo Nuo in simplified chinese:
Nuo Nuo in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Nuo Nuo in chinese?
Nuo Nuo transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Nuo Nuo in chinese:
Picture of the name Nuo Nuo in chinese:

Meaning of Nuo Nuo characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
诺 | promise; assent, approve |
诺 | promise; assent, approve |
Example sentences that contain Nuo Nuo in chinese:
Nuo Nuo has given two watches a Anannan
Nuo Nuo wants to go to USA
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Luis Armando | 路易斯·阿曼多 |
Mariola | 马里奥拉 |
Aingeru | 安伊努 |
Anae | 阿内 |
Ysbrand | 伊斯布兰德 |
Kathlym | 凯瑟琳 |
Caili | 彩礼 |
Adelia | 阿德莉亚 |
Eneritz | 恩里兹 |
Aurane | 欧拉 |