Your name in chinese Only One

How is Only One written in chinese?

Only One in simplified chinese:


Only One in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Only One in chinese?

Only One transcribed to pinyin:

wǒ dē míng zì zhǐ yǒu yí gè

Pronunciation of Only One in chinese:

Picture of the name Only One in chinese:

The name Only One in chinese characters

Meaning of Only One characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
our, us, i, me, my, we
possessive, adjectival suffix
name, rank, title, position
letter, character, word
only, just, simply
have, own, possess; exist
one; a, an; alone
numerary adjunct, piece; single

Example sentences that contain Only One in chinese:

Only One's friend has five trees


wǒdēmíngzìzhǐyǒuyígè de péngyǒu yǒu wǔ kē shù

Only One has given five trees a Areli


wǒdēmíngzìzhǐyǒuyígè gěi āléilì sòngle wǔ kē shù

Only One now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

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