Your name in chinese Oubeida

How is Oubeida written in chinese?

Oubeida in simplified chinese:


Oubeida in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Oubeida in chinese?

Oubeida transcribed to pinyin:

ōu bèi dá

Pronunciation of Oubeida in chinese:

Picture of the name Oubeida in chinese:

The name Oubeida in chinese characters

Meaning of Oubeida characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
translit.: Europe; ohm; surname
sea shell; money, currency
arrive at, reach; intelligent; smooth, slippery

Example sentences that contain Oubeida in chinese:

Oubeida has given three motorcycles a Heloise


ōubèidá gěi àiluòyīzī sòngle sān liàng mótuōchē

Oubeida's friend has three motorcycles


ōubèidá de péngyǒu yǒu sān liàng mótuōchē

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
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Savanna 萨凡纳
Shaylin 谢林
Coloma 科洛玛
Thalya 塔利亚
Marely 马雷利

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