Your name in chinese Owen Sedore

How is Owen Sedore written in chinese?

Owen Sedore in simplified chinese:


Owen Sedore in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Owen Sedore in chinese?

Owen Sedore transcribed to pinyin:

ōu wén · sāi duō

Pronunciation of Owen Sedore in chinese:

Picture of the name Owen Sedore in chinese:

The name Owen Sedore in chinese characters

Meaning of Owen Sedore characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
translit.: Europe; ohm; surname
literature, culture, writing
· Meaning not available
stop up, block, seal, cork; pass, frontier; fortress
much, many; more than, over

Example sentences that contain Owen Sedore in chinese:

Owen Sedore's favorite fruit is the tomato


ōuwén·sāiduō zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì fānqié

Owen Sedore's friend has six cars


ōuwén·sāiduō de péngyǒu yǒu liù liàng chē

Owen Sedore now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Tot Ziens 齐恩斯
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Marianela 马里亚内拉
Yanin 亚宁
Selina 赛琳娜
Moses 摩西
Puig 普格

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