Your name in chinese Pablo Antonio

How is Pablo Antonio written in chinese?

Pablo Antonio in simplified chinese:


Pablo Antonio in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Pablo Antonio in chinese?

Pablo Antonio transcribed to pinyin:

bā bó luó · ān dōng ní ào

Pronunciation of Pablo Antonio in chinese:

Picture of the name Pablo Antonio in chinese:

The name Pablo Antonio in chinese characters

Meaning of Pablo Antonio characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
greatly desire, anxiously hope
suddenly, sudden, quick
net for catching birds; gauze
· Meaning not available
peaceful, tranquil, quiet
east, eastern, eastward
Buddhist nun; transliteration
mysterious, obscure, profound

Example sentences that contain Pablo Antonio in chinese:

Pablo Antonio's favorite color is pink


bābóluó·āndōngníào zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì fěnsè

Pablo Antonio and Dylan are very good friends


bābóluó·āndōngníào hé dílún shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Pablo Antonio now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Libet 利贝特
Zoel 佐尔
Evere 埃弗雷
Ally 艾莉
Nuriel 努里尔
Iubire 尤比尔
Loucia 露西亚
Taslaci 塔斯拉奇
Niurvis 纽维斯
Katell 凯特尔

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