Your name in chinese Papi

How is Papi written in chinese?

Papi in simplified chinese:


Papi in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Papi in chinese?

Papi transcribed to pinyin:

bà bà

Pronunciation of Papi in chinese:

Picture of the name Papi in chinese:

The name Papi in chinese characters

Meaning of Papi characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
father, papa
father, papa

Example sentences that contain Papi in chinese:

Papi's favorite color is green


bàbà zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì lǜsè

Papi's friend has seven televisions


bàbà de péngyǒu yǒu qī tái diànshì

Papi now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Papi in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Anke 安科
Edwina 埃德温娜
Pietro 彼得罗
Dimche 丁切
Dakari 达卡里
Ladina 拉迪娜
Pablo Luis 巴勃罗·路易斯
Gertrudis 格特鲁德
Haiza 海扎
Ayleen Ramirez 艾琳·拉米雷斯

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