Your name in chinese Parcels

How is Parcels written in chinese?

Parcels in simplified chinese:


Parcels in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Parcels in chinese?

Parcels transcribed to pinyin:

bāo guǒ

Pronunciation of Parcels in chinese:

Picture of the name Parcels in chinese:

The name Parcels in chinese characters

Meaning of Parcels characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
wrap, pack, bundle; package
wrap, bind; encircle, confine

Example sentences that contain Parcels in chinese:

Parcels has given two motorcycles a Ryleigh


bāoguǒ gěi ruìlì sòngle liǎng liàng mótuōchē

Parcels's favorite fruit is the tomato


bāoguǒ zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì fānqié

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Porfirio 波尔菲里奥
Edbert 埃德伯特
Yorlenis 约莱尼斯
Roshan 肉山
Deni 德尼
Williamns 威廉斯
Maria Ester 玛丽亚·埃斯特
Esma 艾斯玛
Beker 贝克尔
Fontaine 方丹

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