Your name in chinese Pastoriza

How is Pastoriza written in chinese?

Pastoriza in simplified chinese:


Pastoriza in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Pastoriza in chinese?

Pastoriza transcribed to pinyin:

pà sī tuō lǐ sà

Pronunciation of Pastoriza in chinese:

Picture of the name Pastoriza in chinese:

The name Pastoriza in chinese characters

Meaning of Pastoriza characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
turban, kerchief, veil; wrap
this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle
to hold up with palm; to support, rely on
unit of distance; village; lane
Buddhist gods or immortals

Example sentences that contain Pastoriza in chinese:

Pastoriza wants to go to Russia


pàsītuōlǐsà xiǎng qù éguó

Pastoriza has given three cats a Enith


pàsītuōlǐsà gěi yīnísī sòngle sān zhī māo

Pastoriza now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Pastoriza in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Barretto 巴雷托
Chrysler 克莱斯勒
Alavi 阿拉维
Fathiah 法提亚
Desirae 欲望
Lima 利马
Forest 森林
Jesus Manuel 耶稣曼努埃尔
Victor Adolfo 维克多·阿道夫
Lilis 百合

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