Your name in chinese Paujan

How is Paujan written in chinese?

Paujan in simplified chinese:


Paujan in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Paujan in chinese?

Paujan transcribed to pinyin:

pǔ yáng

Pronunciation of Paujan in chinese:

Picture of the name Paujan in chinese:

The name Paujan in chinese characters

Meaning of Paujan characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
universal, general, widespread
scatter, spread; praise

Example sentences that contain Paujan in chinese:

Paujan has given ten motorcycles a Tatiana Kaydanova


pǔyáng gěi tǎdìyànà·kǎidānnuòwá sòngle shí liàng mótuōchē

Paujan's favorite color is pink


pǔyáng zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì fěnsè

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Marie Madeleine 玛丽·玛德琳
Mariame 玛丽亚姆
Benson 本森
Camelia 茶花
Nizam 尼扎姆
Johnrey 约翰雷
Ludovic 卢多维奇
Julianelis 朱莉安利斯
Chet 切特
Yeferson 耶弗森

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