Your name in chinese Peter Wilson

How is Peter Wilson written in chinese?

Peter Wilson in simplified chinese:


Peter Wilson in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Peter Wilson in chinese?

Peter Wilson transcribed to pinyin:

bǐ dé wēi ěr xùn

Pronunciation of Peter Wilson in chinese:

Picture of the name Peter Wilson in chinese:

The name Peter Wilson in chinese characters

Meaning of Peter Wilson characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
that, there, those
obtain, get, gain, acquire
pomp, power; powerful; dominate
you; that, those; final particle
humble, modest; yield

Example sentences that contain Peter Wilson in chinese:

Peter Wilson's favorite color is yellow


bǐdéwēiěrxùn zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì huángsè

Peter Wilson's favorite fruit is the peach


bǐdéwēiěrxùn zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì táozi

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
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Laurane 劳伦
Baylee 贝利
Hughie 休吉
Paein 芍药
Karate 空手道
Mee Phin 米粉
Jean Robert 让·罗伯特
Donevan 多尼万

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