Your name in chinese Phosha
How is Phosha written in chinese?
Phosha in simplified chinese:
Phosha in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Phosha in chinese?
Phosha transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Phosha in chinese:
Picture of the name Phosha in chinese:

Meaning of Phosha characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
法 | law, rule, regulation, statute; France, French |
莎 | kind of sedge grass, used anciently for raincoats |
Example sentences that contain Phosha in chinese:
Phosha wants to go to China
Phosha is studying french
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Nikhila | 尼希拉 |
Kitty | 猫咪 |
Hardly | 几乎不 |
Idayu | 井田友 |
Lilyella | 百合属 |
Tsokouris | 措库里斯 |
Redwar | 红战争 |
Fausto | 辉煌 |
Yamin | 亚敏 |
Dulcenombre | 甜蜜的名字 |