Your name in chinese Pina
How is Pina written in chinese?
Pina in simplified chinese:
Pina in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Pina in chinese?
Pina transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Pina in chinese:
Picture of the name Pina in chinese:

Meaning of Pina characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
菠 | spinach and similar greens |
萝 | type of creeping plant; turnip |
Example sentences that contain Pina in chinese:
Pina is studying french
Pina's favorite fruit is the orange
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Ary | 阿里 |
Tessa | 泰莎 |
Third | 第三 |
Almanza | 阿尔曼萨 |
Hunter | 猎人 |
Ivor | 艾佛 |
Ulices | 尿片 |
Tahir | 塔希尔 |
Tifenn | 蒂芬 |
Dimini | 迪米尼 |