Your name in chinese Pluto
How is Pluto written in chinese?
Pluto in simplified chinese:
Pluto in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Pluto in chinese?
Pluto transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Pluto in chinese:
Picture of the name Pluto in chinese:

Meaning of Pluto characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
冥 | dark, gloomy, night; deep |
王 | king, ruler; royal; surname |
星 | a star, planet; any point of light |
Example sentences that contain Pluto in chinese:
Pluto's favorite fruit is the watermelon
Pluto wants to go to Italy
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Jehan | 杰汉 |
Jacquy | 杰奎 |
Leire | 莱雷 |
Besma | 贝斯玛 |
Chimezie | 奇梅齐 |
Rezen | 礼赞 |
Jazlyn | 贾兹琳 |
Weda | 韦达 |
Kateryna | 卡特琳娜 |
Berni | 贝尔尼 |