Your name in chinese Pluto

How is Pluto written in chinese?

Pluto in simplified chinese:


Pluto in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Pluto in chinese?

Pluto transcribed to pinyin:

míng wáng xīng

Pronunciation of Pluto in chinese:

Picture of the name Pluto in chinese:

The name Pluto in chinese characters

Meaning of Pluto characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
dark, gloomy, night; deep
king, ruler; royal; surname
a star, planet; any point of light

Example sentences that contain Pluto in chinese:

Pluto's favorite fruit is the watermelon


míngwángxīng zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì xīguā

Pluto wants to go to Italy


míngwángxīng xiǎng qù yìdàlì

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Jehan 杰汉
Jacquy 杰奎
Leire 莱雷
Besma 贝斯玛
Chimezie 奇梅齐
Rezen 礼赞
Jazlyn 贾兹琳
Weda 韦达
Kateryna 卡特琳娜
Berni 贝尔尼

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