Your name in chinese Pojan
How is Pojan written in chinese?
Pojan in simplified chinese:
Pojan in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Pojan in chinese?
Pojan transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Pojan in chinese:
Picture of the name Pojan in chinese:

Meaning of Pojan characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
波 | waves, breakers; undulations |
根 | root, base(d on); foundation |
Example sentences that contain Pojan in chinese:
Pojan's favorite color is red
Pojan's favorite fruit is the banana
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Chayanee | 查亚尼 |
Gimena | 吉梅纳 |
Madalynne | 马达琳 |
Elouen | 艾洛恩 |
Crista | 克里斯塔 |
Notte | 诺特 |
Ilma | 伊尔玛 |
Abdias | 阿卜迪亚斯 |
Zaine | 赞恩 |
Suhaila | 苏海拉 |