Your name in chinese Pollos
How is Pollos written in chinese?
Pollos in simplified chinese:
Pollos in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Pollos in chinese?
Pollos transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Pollos in chinese:
Picture of the name Pollos in chinese:

Meaning of Pollos characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
鸡 | chicken |
Example sentences that contain Pollos in chinese:
Pollos's favorite fruit is the apple
Pollos's favorite color is pink
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Angelo | 安杰洛 |
Omer Ben | 奥马尔本 |
Tsuanyo | 三阳 |
Ester | 以斯帖 |
Gizem | 吉泽姆 |
Ilsa | 伊尔莎 |
Anakin | 阿纳金 |
Shigeru | 茂 |
Camlet | 羽纱 |
Tripp | 特里普 |