Your name in chinese Pope

How is Pope written in chinese?

Pope in simplified chinese:


Pope in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Pope in chinese?

Pope transcribed to pinyin:

jiào huáng

Pronunciation of Pope in chinese:

Picture of the name Pope in chinese:

The name Pope in chinese characters

Meaning of Pope characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
teach, class
royal, imperial; ruler, superior

Example sentences that contain Pope in chinese:

Pope's favorite fruit is the peach


jiàohuáng zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì táozi

Pope is studying french


jiàohuáng zhèngzài xuéxí fǎwén

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Romny 罗姆尼
Jean Luc 让·吕克
Seema 西玛
Nilesh 尼莱什
Zaman 扎曼
Betty Toth 贝蒂托特
Tee 球座
Dark Killer 黑暗杀手
Vicvic 维克维奇
Mart 市场

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