Your name in chinese Pope
How is Pope written in chinese?
Pope in simplified chinese:
Pope in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Pope in chinese?
Pope transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Pope in chinese:
Picture of the name Pope in chinese:

Meaning of Pope characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
教 | teach, class |
皇 | royal, imperial; ruler, superior |
Example sentences that contain Pope in chinese:
Pope's favorite fruit is the peach
Pope is studying french
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Romny | 罗姆尼 |
Jean Luc | 让·吕克 |
Seema | 西玛 |
Nilesh | 尼莱什 |
Zaman | 扎曼 |
Betty Toth | 贝蒂托特 |
Tee | 球座 |
Dark Killer | 黑暗杀手 |
Vicvic | 维克维奇 |
Mart | 市场 |