Your name in chinese Preeti

How is Preeti written in chinese?

Preeti in simplified chinese:


Preeti in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Preeti in chinese?

Preeti transcribed to pinyin:

pǔ lì tí

Pronunciation of Preeti in chinese:

Picture of the name Preeti in chinese:

The name Preeti in chinese characters

Meaning of Preeti characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
universal, general, widespread
beautiful, magnificent, elegant
Meaning not available

Example sentences that contain Preeti in chinese:

Preeti has given six houses a Pheobe


pǔlìtí gěi fēiàobǐ sòngle liù jiān fángzi

Preeti's favorite fruit is the strawberry


pǔlìtí zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì cǎoméi

Preeti now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Seaanio 西阿尼奥
Ayuka 绫香
Fydji 菲吉
Ogren 奥格伦
Carmia 卡米亚
Adnana 阿德纳纳
Jorge Andres 乔治·安德鲁
Affan 阿凡
Trudy 特鲁迪
Samuel Baldwin 塞缪尔·鲍德温

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