Your name in chinese Puspa

How is Puspa written in chinese?

Puspa in simplified chinese:

Puspa in traditional chinese:

How to pronounce Puspa in chinese?

Puspa transcribed to pinyin:


Pronunciation of Puspa in chinese:

Picture of the name Puspa in chinese:

The name Puspa in chinese characters

Meaning of Puspa characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
chrysalis, larva

Example sentences that contain Puspa in chinese:

Puspa's friend has six books


yǒng de péngyǒu yǒu liù běn shū

Puspa has given six books a Maybelyn


yǒng gěi méilín sòngle liù běn shū

Puspa now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
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Jamin 贾敏
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