Your name in chinese Qiang
How is Qiang written in chinese?
Qiang in simplified chinese:
Qiang in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Qiang in chinese?
Qiang transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Qiang in chinese:
Picture of the name Qiang in chinese:

Meaning of Qiang characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
强 | strong, powerful, energetic |
Example sentences that contain Qiang in chinese:
Qiang's friend has three dogs
Qiang's favorite fruit is the banana
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Ricardo | 理查德 |
Devany | 德瓦尼 |
Reiner | 莱纳 |
Chema | 化学 |
Little Sister | 小妹妹 |
Arina | 阿里纳 |
Ana Paula | 安娜·保拉 |
Rohim | 罗欣 |
Meybelyn | 梅贝林 |
Marguerite | 玛格丽特 |