Your name in chinese Queen

How is Queen written in chinese?

Queen in simplified chinese:


Queen in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Queen in chinese?

Queen transcribed to pinyin:

nǔ wáng

Pronunciation of Queen in chinese:

Picture of the name Queen in chinese:

The name Queen in chinese characters

Meaning of Queen characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38
king, ruler; royal; surname

Example sentences that contain Queen in chinese:

Queen wants to go to China


nǔwáng xiǎng qù zhōngguó

Queen and Wednesday are very good friends


nǔwáng hé zhōusān shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Nunet 努内特
Yoandra 约安德拉
Dulce 都乐塞
Gerardine 杰拉尔丁
Adama Coulibaly 阿达玛·库利巴利
Hanani 花尼
Ruy 鲁伊
Figuerao 菲格罗
Lincoy 林科伊
Aurica 奥瑞卡

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