Your name in chinese Queen
How is Queen written in chinese?
Queen in simplified chinese:
Queen in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Queen in chinese?
Queen transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Queen in chinese:
Picture of the name Queen in chinese:

Meaning of Queen characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
女 | woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 |
王 | king, ruler; royal; surname |
Example sentences that contain Queen in chinese:
Queen wants to go to China
Queen and Wednesday are very good friends
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Nunet | 努内特 |
Yoandra | 约安德拉 |
Dulce | 都乐塞 |
Gerardine | 杰拉尔丁 |
Adama Coulibaly | 阿达玛·库利巴利 |
Hanani | 花尼 |
Ruy | 鲁伊 |
Figuerao | 菲格罗 |
Lincoy | 林科伊 |
Aurica | 奥瑞卡 |