Your name in chinese Rafandy

How is Rafandy written in chinese?

Rafandy in simplified chinese:


Rafandy in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Rafandy in chinese?

Rafandy transcribed to pinyin:

lā fán dí

Pronunciation of Rafandy in chinese:

Picture of the name Rafandy in chinese:

The name Rafandy in chinese characters

Meaning of Rafandy characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
pull, drag; seize, hold; lengthen
all, any, every; ordinary, common
enlighten, advance; progress

Example sentences that contain Rafandy in chinese:

Rafandy has given two houses a Vicente Manuel


lāfándí gěi wéisēntè·mànnǔāiěr sòngle liǎng jiān fángzi

Rafandy's favorite color is green


lāfándí zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì lǜsè

Rafandy now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Argesanu 阿尔杰萨努
Ka Wei Er 卡维尔
Rakel 拉克尔
Riarna 里亚纳
Pandilla 潘迪拉
Yannik 亚尼克
Ellieana 艾莉安娜
Suhani 苏哈尼
Salope 萨洛普
Keryan 凯里安

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