Your name in chinese Ramon Jesus

How is Ramon Jesus written in chinese?

Ramon Jesus in simplified chinese:


Ramon Jesus in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Ramon Jesus in chinese?

Ramon Jesus transcribed to pinyin:

lā mēng · yé sū

Pronunciation of Ramon Jesus in chinese:

Picture of the name Ramon Jesus in chinese:

The name Ramon Jesus in chinese characters

Meaning of Ramon Jesus characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
pull, drag; seize, hold; lengthen
cover; ignorant; suffer; mongolia
· Meaning not available
used in transliteration
revive, to rise again; collect

Example sentences that contain Ramon Jesus in chinese:

Ramon Jesus and Carmem are very good friends


lāmēng·yésū hé qiǎmén shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Ramon Jesus has given ten cats a Carmem


lāmēng·yésū gěi qiǎmén sòngle shí zhī māo

Ramon Jesus now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Joyen 乔恩
Morrisson 莫里森
Rosemary 迷迭香
Bambi 小鹿斑比
Wfefef 费夫
Orlaith 奥莱斯
Bomar 博马尔
Charm 魅力
Venom 毒液
Shannon 香农

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