Your name in chinese Rayhan Rumagit

How is Rayhan Rumagit written in chinese?

Rayhan Rumagit in simplified chinese:


Rayhan Rumagit in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Rayhan Rumagit in chinese?

Rayhan Rumagit transcribed to pinyin:

léi hàn · lǔ mǎ jí tè

Pronunciation of Rayhan Rumagit in chinese:

Picture of the name Rayhan Rumagit in chinese:

The name Rayhan Rumagit in chinese characters

Meaning of Rayhan Rumagit characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
Chinese people; Chinese language
· Meaning not available
foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar
horse; surname; KangXi radical 187
lucky, propitious, good
special, unique, distinguished

Example sentences that contain Rayhan Rumagit in chinese:

Rayhan Rumagit's friend has seven trees


léihàn·lǔmǎjítè de péngyǒu yǒu qī kē shù

Rayhan Rumagit is studying french


léihàn·lǔmǎjítè zhèngzài xuéxí fǎwén

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Ellin 埃林
Gianella 贾内拉
Skyla 斯凯拉
Kirany 基拉尼
Amaris 阿马里斯
Retard 减速
Emmelie 艾米莉
Ur Mum 你妈妈
Laxius 拉修斯
Frolicking 嬉戏

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