Your name in chinese Re Han

How is Re Han written in chinese?

Re Han in simplified chinese:


Re Han in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Re Han in chinese?

Re Han transcribed to pinyin:

rè hán

Pronunciation of Re Han in chinese:

Picture of the name Re Han in chinese:

The name Re Han in chinese characters

Meaning of Re Han characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
hot; heat; fever; restless; zeal
soak, wet; tolerate, be lenient

Example sentences that contain Re Han in chinese:

Re Han's friend has five trees


rèhán de péngyǒu yǒu wǔ kē shù

Re Han's favorite fruit is the banana


rèhán zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì xiāngjiāo

Re Han now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Kunoia 库诺亚
Nollan 诺兰
Padrino 帕德里诺
Lekhana 莱卡纳
Solyne 索琳
Maria Isabel 玛丽亚·伊莎贝尔
Gregoria 格雷戈里亚
Ele 饿了么
Taliba 塔利巴
Alolo 阿洛洛

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