Your name in chinese Reidar

How is Reidar written in chinese?

Reidar in simplified chinese:


Reidar in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Reidar in chinese?

Reidar transcribed to pinyin:

lǐ dé

Pronunciation of Reidar in chinese:

Picture of the name Reidar in chinese:

The name Reidar in chinese characters

Meaning of Reidar characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
unit of distance; village; lane
ethics, morality, virtue

Example sentences that contain Reidar in chinese:

Reidar has given seven cats a Silvain


lǐdé gěi xīěrwàn sòngle qī zhī māo

Reidar and Silvain are very good friends


lǐdé hé xīěrwàn shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Ariyah 阿里耶
Marte 马尔特
Laye 莱耶
Gloria 格洛里亚
Ovidio 奥维德
Aiala 艾里亚
Okiwe 冲绳
Prissha 普里沙
Baptise 洗礼
Marin 马林

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