Your name in chinese Remi Holum
How is Remi Holum written in chinese?
Remi Holum in simplified chinese:
Remi Holum in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Remi Holum in chinese?
Remi Holum transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Remi Holum in chinese:
Picture of the name Remi Holum in chinese:

Meaning of Remi Holum characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
雷 | thunder |
米 | hulled or husked uncooked rice |
· | Meaning not available |
霍 | quickly, suddenly; surname |
勒 | strangle, tighten |
姆 | nurse, babysitter |
Example sentences that contain Remi Holum in chinese:
Remi Holum's friend has five motorcycles
Remi Holum and Ilian are very good friends
Remi Holum now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Remi Holum in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Rongchang | 荣昌 |
Johel Ernesto | 乔赫尔·埃内斯托 |
Tamaire | 玉梅 |
Doraemon | 哆啦A梦 |
Martin Santiago | 马丁圣地亚哥 |
Mitzuki | 水木 |
Wojtek | 沃伊泰克 |
Ahmet | 艾哈迈德 |
Teruo | 辉雄 |
Ana Ximena | 安娜·西梅娜 |