Your name in chinese Rengoku

How is Rengoku written in chinese?

Rengoku in simplified chinese:


Rengoku in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Rengoku in chinese?

Rengoku transcribed to pinyin:

lián guó

Pronunciation of Rengoku in chinese:

Picture of the name Rengoku in chinese:

The name Rengoku in chinese characters

Meaning of Rengoku characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
lotus, water lily; paradise
nation, country, nation-state

Example sentences that contain Rengoku in chinese:

Rengoku's friend has three cats


liánguó de péngyǒu yǒu sān zhī māo

Rengoku's favorite color is blue


liánguó zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì lánsè

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Alley 胡同
Meris 梅里斯
Maria Celeste 玛丽亚·塞莱斯特
Juan Amaya 胡安·阿马亚
Kian 其按
Aqilah 阿其拉
Marcelino 马塞利诺
Isis 伊希斯
Jacson 杰克逊
Adita 阿迪塔

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